
Food Supplement Containing Magnesium

Magnekom is a food supplement containing 460 mg ATA Mg ®.Magnekom is a unique combination of Magnesium and Taurine. Magnekom contains a patented magnesium acetyl taurate salt, which offers enhanced magnesium cell penetration and provides physiological properties related to optimized intracellular magnesium concentration. ATA Mg® has a highest bioavailability in the brain at a low dose of Mg. ATA Mg® has a higher intestinal bioavailability than other Mg salts. Clinical studies have been conducted to support this bioavailability.Magnekom contains the highest bioavailable magnesium for brain and women health,  offering  better  cellular  penetration  and  an  increase  of  magnesium neuro-muscular activity. Magnekom can help to reduce stress, contribute to support  anxiety  and  improve  cognitive  performance.  Magnekom  can  help improve cognition and learning or memory problems, manage the premenstrual syndrome disorders. Kainic acid is a neurotransmitter involved in neuronal hyperactivity  (headaches,  photic  migraines,  audiogenic  seizures,  epilepsy, convulsions, etc.). ATA Mg® is an inhibitor of kainic acid. ATA Mg® is a trademark of Synapharm SA.
